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Come join us NOW at the CNE!


Information on this site is correct at time of posting, but is subject to change without notice

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Air Show AIR SHOW, Canadian, International, Air Show, Toronto, Canada, Aviation Displays, Aerial, Acrobatics, F-16, F-18, Toronto Waterfront, CNE, Canadian National Exhibition. The Canadian International Air Show is the premier Air Show in the Toronto Region. The Canadian international air show is an excellent family outing for the entire family. Make the next air show an outing for your entire family. 

f22.gif (991 bytes)CIAS 1998 Schedule


ACT Status

Sept 5th

Sept 6th

Sept 7th
On Off Dur. On Off Dur. On Off Dur.
RCMP  Photos
125th Anniversary Web Site Icon.jpg (714 bytes)


1305 1323 18:00 1305 1323 18:00 1315 1324 9:00
B-2 Spirit Photos
Military 1330 1335 5:00            
SkyHawks Photos
Canadian Forces Web Site Icon.jpg (714 bytes) E-mail Icon.jpg (705 bytes)


1335 1343 8:00 1330 1338 8:00      
Aurora Demo Photos Information
Canadian Forces
Military 1343 1349 6:00 13:38 13:44 6:00 1330 1338 8:00
Labrador Photos
Canadian Forces
Military             13:36 13:44 8:00
German Extra 300L Photos
Air Combat Canada Web Site Icon.jpg (714 bytes) E-mail Icon.jpg (705 bytes)
Civilian 1349 1401 12:00 13:44 13:56 12:00 1344 1356 12:00
A-10 Demo Photos Information
Military 1401 1413 12:00 1356 1408 12:00 1356 1408 12:00
Mudry CAP 231EX Photos
Matt Chapman
Civilian 1413 1424 11:00 14:08 1419 11:00 1408 1419 11:00
Motorized Sailplane Photos
Steve Coan
Civilian 1424 1431 7:00 1419 1426 7:00 1419 1426 7:00
F-16 Photos Information
Military 1431 1446 15:00 1426 1441 15:00 1426 1441 15:00
German Extra 300 Photos
Northern Lights
Civilian 1446 1507 21:00 1441 1502 21:00 1441 1502 21:00
The Raven Photos
Wayne Handley
Civilian 1507 1519 12:00 1502 1514 12:00 1502 1514 12:00
F-18 Photos Information
Canadian Forces
Military 1519 1532 13:00 1514 1525 11:00 1514 1525 11:00
German Extra 300S Photos
Mike Goulian
Civilian 1532 1545 13:00 1525 1538 13:00 1525 1538 13:00
Snowbirds  Photos Information
Canadian Forces Web Site Icon.jpg (714 bytes)


1545 1620 35:00 1538 1613 35:00 1538 1613 35:00

Last Updated :08/13/04 19:09 -0400 [jc]